Sunday 26 May 2013

Teh Missed Opportunity...

I am a student of journalism.This is an important fact you need to know in order for the following post to make sense. Without this fact, the post is just a whole pile of crazy... Mmmm, crazy....

Anyway, about a week ago, I saw someone in my region post on Facebook complaining about finding a maggot in their pizza (which was from a major pizza outlet).

"Ew," I thought, and kept scrolling. BIG MISTAKE!

Why? Well, a few days later, what should appear in the paper but a story about that person finding a maggot in their pizza.

My tutor made the mistake of wondering aloud where the reporter had found the story, at which point I made the bigger mistake of casually informing him that it had been "up on Facebook for several days."

If looks could kill, I tell you, I would be dead and buried right now.

Disclaimer: My tutor is actually super super nice, like seriously one of the nicest people you will ever meet. It's just that I tend to do that to people. In fact, I was once told not to be chirpy in the morning because it was bad for my health. Apparently it made people want to kill me. I used to be one of those people  that would never get out of bed, but once I did, whatever the hour, I was AWAKE! Used to drive the girls in the hostel insane at breakfast, on the few occasions when I made it to breakfast. But I digress, as usual.

Anyway, he was FAR from impressed.

Side note: I'm sitting here with music playing through headphones, just kind of "grooving" and "bopping" away. Or so I thought. My desk buddy just informed me that I look "like you're being electrocuted". So much for my dignity. But then again, I do on occasion wear crazy slippers that make my feet look like a monster's to class. And then there's my Doctor Who-esque trench coat. And the crap that comes out of my mouth, "So, does Freeview come under free or paid TV?" So maybe dignity doesn't really count for me anyway.

I wish I could say that's it folks, but I have plenty more fails to write about yet. And that's just from the past week.

A small success: I am now a kickass cake baker. After two successful cakes. Don't even think about telling me it's a bit soon to judge. Cakes are in my blood. Or at least my stomach.

See you later,

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